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icanews - a 24-hour online community that keeps you updated on consumer advice issues, gives you instant answers to your questions and provides support.


Our newsgroup, icanews is one of the most knowledgeable, helpful and practical consumer advice resources available. ICA membership gives you free, unlimited access to the combined knowledge and expertise of ICA members. All you need is an email address.


Here’s a snapshot of what appears on the group:


  • Information on current, new and proposed consumer legislation

  • Requests for advice or information on cases - and all the answers

  • Details of scams, rogue traders, prosecutions, business insolvencies and recalls.

  • Information from government, regulators and business.

  • Details of consultations and opportunities to respond.


 You can also:


  • Find out about ICA training and seminars

  • Share information about what’s happening in your area

  • Ask for advice - and be sure of getting the right answer


Most ICA members are consumer law specialists, based in advice and enforcement agencies, but not exclusively. Members also come from many other consumer related organisations. Here’s what some of them say:


 “Brilliant resource. Thanks for telling me about it.” - Peter Shears, Emeritus Professor of Consumer Law and Policy, University of Plymouth.

“It's really useful for sharing opinions on complex consumer issues.” - Jan Carton, Legal Lead for Consumer and Debt, Citizens Advice.

“ICA’s members are incredibly generous with both their time and their experience. It is a huge positive of membership that they are more than happy to share this.” - Ann Beamish, West Sussex Trading Standards

“icanews is an invaluable forum for discussing and getting answers to complex legal queries from both colleagues in Trading Standards and from members in other consumer sectors.” - Pam Wood, Safe Trader and Consumer Support, Lancashire County Council.


“A great way to keep up to date and share expertise.” - Martin Coppack Director, Fair by Design Campaign, Barrow Cadbury Trust

“Having been a member for more years than I care to admit I am so pleased that ICA still has its members at its heart. The newsgroup is worth my membership alone.” - Mostyn Davies, Senior Fair Trading Officer, Caerphilly

“A fantastic resource. To be able to tap into such a wide range of consumer knowledge and share information with this group is invaluable” - Susie Helliwell Hertfordshire Trading Standards

Want to know more?

If you have a question about icanews, you’ll probably find the answers you’re looking for in our frequently asked questions or you can contact: Membership Services - You should also take a moment to read the Newsgroup Conditions.

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